How To Choose A New Color Scheme For Your Bathroom
Sometimes a simple change of color is all that’s needed to rejuvenate a tired-looking bathroom. How to choose a new Color Scheme for your Bathroom. If your bathroom is boring, give it a jolt of new color and transform it into an inviting space.
Who Uses The Room?
When considering a new bathroom color scheme, think about who uses the room the most. Is it attached to a child’s bedroom? Is it a half-bath used mainly by guests? Is it part of a master suite? Tailoring a color scheme to its primary users can make a big difference in its appearance and comfort.
Make A Splash With Linens
Most bathrooms, unless custom-built, tend to have relatively plain walls and floors. If you don’t want to repaint right now a major change can be as easy as buying new linens. Towels come in just about every color and print imaginable. However, if working with a small half-bath, make sure that the color you choose isn’t so strong that it overpowers the room. A half-bath is where you would want a more neutral palette and subtler patterns. The larger the bathroom, the brighter and bolder its accessories can be.
A Color Scheme For Your Bathroom Doesn’t Have To Be Only Color
While color definitely can make a quick difference, adding a theme to your bathroom décor is a great way to update the room as well. Children’s bathrooms can be made particularly fun and colorful, using a favorite cartoon character or sports team’s motif. Older kids may want the latest movie or hottest band decorating their bathrooms. For adults, popular themes are the seaside and the jungle, although what can be done is only limited by your imagination.
Use The Walls To Catch The Eye
Paint is the most obvious choice to update a bathroom’s walls, but don’t overlook art, photographs and other items that can be displayed on them. Well-placed mirrors, for example, can effectively open up a smaller space. If you do decide to paint, again take the size of the room into consideration. Dark colors tend to close a room up, and even a large bathroom can get overwhelmed by them, especially if there is only one window or none at all. That doesn’t mean that dark colors are completely out of the question for a bathroom. Just as bright colors can make a neutral-colored room pop, so can bright accessories against a darker background. If your bathroom has lots of windows and natural light, a darker paint shade may work very well there. The bathroom may be the most private room in your home, but it should still be as pleasant and relaxing as the rest of your home. Whether it receives a different paint color, attractive wall hangings, or just new towels and throw rugs, a good color scheme can make all the difference in making your bathroom look like new without the expense of a complete overhaul. A well-appointed bathroom easily adds value and livability to your home–all it takes is some color and creativity.